Oncological Surgery

Dr. Mutlu Unver, a distinguished medical professional, was born in Uşak, Turkey, in 1982. His academic journey commenced at Uşak Anatolian High School, where he completed his secondary education in 2000. Following his passion for medicine, he enrolled at Ege University Faculty of Medicine in the same year, graduating with honors in 2006.

Embarking on his medical career, Dr. Unver undertook compulsory service as a general practitioner at the Malazgrit Health Center in Muş province in 2006. Eager to specialize further, he pursued training in General Surgery at Ege University Hospital, where he honed his skills under renowned mentors.

In 2012, Dr. Unver was appointed as a specialist in General Surgery at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, demonstrating his commitment to excellence in patient care. Over the years, he distinguished himself as a meticulous surgeon, earning the trust and admiration of colleagues and patients alike.

From 2014 to 2022, Dr. Unver served as a General Surgery Specialist at Medikalpark İzmir Hospital, where he contributed significantly to the advancement of surgical techniques and patient outcomes. His dedication to continuous learning and innovation has been instrumental in his success as a medical professional.

In 2022, Dr. Unver embarked on a new chapter in his career by establishing his own practice, where he provides comprehensive medical care to his patients with a focus on surgical oncology and gastrointestinal surgery. With his advanced training and expertise, he is committed to delivering personalized, multidisciplinary care to individuals battling cancer and complex gastrointestinal conditions.

Dr. Mutlu Unver's unwavering dedication to the field of medicine, coupled with his compassionate approach to patient care, makes him a trusted ally in the fight against disease and a beacon of hope for those in need of specialized surgical interventions.


  • The appearance of a lurking ligament in Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy; Posterior Gastric Ligament(Dicle Tıp,2017)
  • Hemokolesistite sekonder safra kesesi perforasyonu(Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi, 2017)
  • Reliability of fine needle aspiration biopsy in large thyroid nodules( Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi, 2017)
  • A rare cause of recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding: Mesenteric hemangioma(World Journal of Emergency Surgery,2009)
  • Laparoscopic treatment of splenic lymphangioma: A rare case in adults( Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi, 2014)
  • Which method is better to provide wound healing in Fournier's Gangrene? Dakin's solution or conventional antiseptic dressings; A retrospective study(Intenational Surgery, 2016)
  • Left sided Amyand's hernia. World J Gastrointest Surg. 2013
  • Isolated retroperitoneal hydatid cyst invading splenic hilum. Case Rep Surg. 2014
  • Isolated metastasis of uterine leiomyosarcoma to the pancreas: Report of a case and review of the literature. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2014
  • S-shaped wide excision with primary closure for extensive chronic pilonidal sinus disease. Case Rep Surg. 2014
  • A rare cause of colonic obstruction "colonic intussusception": report of two cases. Case Rep Surg. 2015
  • Prognostic factors in peptic ulcer perforations: a retrospective 14-year study. Int Surg. 2015
  • Retroperitoneal paraganglioma presenting with pancytopenia: A rare case with rare manifestation. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015
  • Predictive Value of Preoperative Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Determining the Stage of Gastric Tumor. Med Sci Monit. 2017